Your brand. Our business.

Website Design

Setting trends with every pixel.

In today's digital age, a website is a business's storefront to the online world. It allows you to showcase your products or services, establish credibility, and connect with a wider audience than ever before. But simply having a website isn't enough. You need to have a strong user interference and experience (UI/UX) on your website coupled with popular search words. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your website rank higher in search results, ensuring that potential customers looking for what you offer can easily find you. This combination of website, online presence, and SEO is essential for attracting new customers and growing your business.

Discovery Meeting

By this point, you know a bit about what we do and what our work looks like. Let’s use this time to get to know each-other and learn about your business.

Wire Frames

Wireframes are similar to creating an outline for writing a thesis. They’re the bones and structure of your website, and will contain what elements belong on each page of your website.

Mood Board

This is where we’ll play with colors, textures and fonts to create your website’s ascetic. Logo design, photography and videography services are offered to personalize your website, enhancing user experience.


Let’s take what’s on your mood board and wire frames to create some magic! User experience and user interface is key, so we’ll make sure we’re fitting your website the best usability features.


Internal quality assurance testing will be performed on the most popular devices. It’s important to make sure the user has the best experience be that on their iPhone or Chrome book.


Our entire process is built around ease of use. We’ll give you the option to manage your own site, or we’ll take care of it for you on a monthly-basics. We’ll also teach you how to increase your SEO through the use of blogs.


It’s time to transition your website over to you! This may involve moving over domains or purchasing new ones. Our team is here with you to make this transition as smooth as possible.


A digital marketing firm is nothing without customer support. We offer monthly support packages for SEO and on-going website development/maintenance as well as one-off hourly rate services.

Our Work

Frederick Psychotherapy

Frederick Psychotherapy located in Frederick, Maryland was looking for a simple website to send to prospective clients. They’re based in Frederick, Maryland, but wanted the website to indicate they’re strictly taking tele-health appointments. It was important to have pricing listed, as well as services and their approach to therapy.

Sayegh Wellness

Sayegh Wellness wanted based outside of Washington, DC wanted a web build that encompassed their food blog as well as their dietitian services and scheduling appointments. They also wanted to showcase their partnership opportunities; allowing businesses to work with them through social channels, public speaking opportunities and writing/blogging. Jennifer, the owner of Sayegh Wellness also hired TBC for brand photography which is displayed through the entire website; making it a truly unique web design.

The Columbia Mom

Based in Baltimore, Maryland, the TCM website was designed to host thousands of articles for the community, while also discreetly informing businesses how they can advertise with TCM. TCM needed a way to auto-capture its subscribers so they could advertise via newsletters and wanted a calendar feature. An appointment scheduling system was integrated to arrange meetings, as well as payment integration via square. All of the photography was done by TBC in Baltimore, Maryland. The website reflected was changed by the site owner and is not an accurate reflection of TBC’s work and design.

Your Journey Preschool

It was pertinent for Your Journey Preschool located outside of Baltimore Maryland to have a web presence where parents felt not only welcomed, but that they were making the best decision for their child’s education. This website was created for a preschool right outside of Baltimore, MD and contained an online store, re-branding, Wire Framing and logo/custom page design, video & photography services, SEO, scheduling and ticket sales. The site owner loved the finished product and TBC has been hired for their other businesses in Maryland!

R&G Remodeling

Located in Maryland, R&G Remodeling’s website is centered around photography and videography. Their potential clients need a visual representation of their work, so their website is heavy with before and after photos. Wire Framing and custom page design, along with blog writing and SEO was integrated into the website, making it appear higher on Google. The owner loved the finished product is receiving more business than ever before.

Ready to create yours?

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.